Posted on 02/07/2022

What You Should Know About Filing a Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Lawsuit

What You Should Know About Filing a Subconjunctival Hemorrhage Lawsuit

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is pretty alarming, especially in your newborn. It’s typically harmless, but that’s not always the case.

We’re going to break down subconjunctival hemorrhages and the signs and symptoms to look out for in your newborn. We’ll also discuss the causes of this diagnosis and if you have grounds to file a subconjunctival hemorrhage lawsuit. 

If your newborn is diagnosed with a subconjunctival hemorrhage, find out how you can get the compensation and legal assistance you deserve.

What is Subconjunctival Hemorrhage? 

A subconjunctival hemorrhage, otherwise known as red-eye, is essentially when blood vessels burst in the eye. 

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is a pretty common diagnosis, especially in the event of a stressful delivery.

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is when blood vessels rupture and leak into the conjunctiva of the eye. That’s the thin clear membrane that covers the whites of the eyes. It may look almost like a red blotchy spot on the whites of the eye.

Subconjunctival hemorrhages typically occur from a stressful or traumatic birth. A few common reasons why a mother may have a hard time during birth include:

  • A large gestation weight
  • Having a past medical history of difficult births
  • Health factors, such as diabetes or hypertension
  • The position of the baby in the womb

There are other causes of traumatic births that are actually due to medical negligence. 

An example is if labor procedures are not carried out promptly or if the mother’s past medical history of hypertension goes unmanaged.

As common as giving birth is, there are precise methods that must be followed by medical providers. Any misstep or delay in providing care during delivery can put your baby at risk for further injuries.

With subconjunctival hemorrhages in newborns, your medical provider must observe and manage your baby’s overall health to determine if there are any underlying risks that may develop.

What are the Symptoms to Look Out For?

The main and typically only symptom you’ll notice is the red spot in your infant’s eye which usually resolves on its own. 

However, your child may have a serious case and might experience other symptoms which would require medical attention.

If your newborn doesn’t receive proper medical treatment, there is a possibility of vision loss or total vision impairment.

With the signs of an infection, your newborn may experience further symptoms, such as pus discharge, a swollen eye, or fever. Treatment is necessary to eliminate the infection from spreading or worsening. 

If blood is located anywhere other than the whites of the eyes, like in the iris, then the newborn should be seen by a medical professional. 

Any changes in vision or eye pain will require a medical provider to investigate further to determine the underlying cause.

Health Risks Associated with Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

In severe cases of subconjunctival hemorrhages, there are health risks. 

Some of these health risks are lifelong and can cause financial hardships for parents and the child throughout their life. 

An untreated subconjunctival hemorrhage diagnosis can cause other serious health conditions. 

Some of the most common birth injuries associated with a subconjunctival hemorrhage include:

  • Brain injuries 
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Facial paralysis

If you believe your newborn sustained an injury during birth leading to a subconjunctival hemorrhage, or if you believe your infant’s subconjunctival hemorrhage was not properly cared for, file a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Can You File a Lawsuit?

Medical providers, and the entities they provide care under, have a responsibility to their patients to provide the standard level of care.

If you think your medical provider deliberately failed to provide treatment or failed to provide the standard level of care, contact a trusted medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible to share your experience.

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is a birth injury and falls under the “legal umbrella” of medical malpractice.

An example of medical malpractice with a subconjunctival hemorrhage diagnosis would include if your medical provider did not properly manage your delivery. Thus causing a traumatic birth which leads to a subconjunctival hemorrhage. 

Malpractice includes if your newborn is diagnosed with a subconjunctival hemorrhage and they developed an infection. Then your medical provider either failed to treat the infection or did not properly treat it, causing further injuries to your newborn. 

To prove medical malpractice for a subconjunctival hemorrhage lawsuit, your medical malpractice attorney must prove four elements:

  1. Prove that you were in the direct care of your medical provider,
  2. Your medical provider failed to provide the standard level of care,
  3. Your newborn suffered from an injury,
  4. You incurred financial hardships due to the injury

This is not an easy feat, but with the right legal team on your side, you can get the compensation you deserve. 

Get the most out of meeting with a medical malpractice attorney. Prepare for your meeting, with all the necessary documentation, so you can receive the best legal advice possible. 

Get Legal Assistance Now

If you believe your medical provider either caused your infant’s condition or failed to treat their subconjunctival hemorrhage properly, then don’t wait any longer to speak with a medical malpractice attorney.

The medical malpractice team at Grover Lewis Johnson will fight for you every step of the way. 

We’ll ensure that you get the compensation you deserve for your subconjunctival hemorrhage lawsuit. And we don’t expect a penny from you until the case is over.

Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels